Sunday, August 31, 2008

First setback

Rats, I was trying another 5-mile run this morning, when I was stopped by a back spasm before I made it to 2 miles! I never had one of those before, running or otherwise, and it ended my run on the spot. I tried walking it out for a while, stretching, whatever, then running again, but it was no-go. Ugh, it was still a 2-mile walk around the loop back
to the car. This is an upper back spasm, while most of what I read about online was lower back. When I got home I took some vitamin I, Candy rubbed it, we put on bengay, and now I'm taking it easy. I can still feel it, but later today I'll get in the hot tub which should help. I'm really hoping I can retry that 5-miler tomorrow morning after more bengay and ibuprofen tonight.

I did all my runs this week, but had flaked out on the cross-training that I'm supposed to do on the off days. This was the first week I let that slip so much, and I wonder if there's any connection.

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