Monday, April 27, 2009

On the road again

Sure enough, after the month of March I started running again. I worried the time off to rest my knee would mean a setback in my ability to run. I guess that was true, too. Not long ago I ran a 10K and felt good about it--now running only 2K feels like work. But it's a good kind of work. Meaning, I feel good about running again, even if my performance has decreased somewhat. I can build that back up.

I ran once the first week in April, once the second (while on vacation in Washington DC), twice the following week (while on a business trip to Long Island), and three times back at home. Sounds pretty good to me, especially since I could tell it was getting easier. Also, I think I'm starting to lose a little of the weight I put back on in March. Best of all, Sam ran with me once, and plans to do so again at our next 5K.

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